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Fr. Desmond Daniels

Fr. Xavier Bilavendran

HTCC Started its first ever Tamil Mass on the Auspicious day of Thai Pongal (Thamizhar / Uzhavar Thirunaal) 01/14/2018 at St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church in Houston. The mass was offered by Fr. Gnanasekar Paul SSS, Fr. Justin Arokiasamy SVD and Fr. Desmond Daniels. About 150 people participated in the mass and in the celebrations there after.

           HTCC would like to thank Fr. Desmond Daniels in a most special way for all his support and initiatives in getting the group started with this special mass. Several efforts has been made in the past to form a group in Houston to conduct Tamil mass but finally got shaped with the sincere support and co-ordination by Fr. Desmond Daniels. He also supported the group by providing musical support to the choir during the first mass.

         Later the Clergy panel consisting of 6 Tamil speaking Priests in Houston designated Fr. Xavier Bilavendran as the Chaplin (priest in-charge) for all regular monthly masses going forward.

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